Sunday, June 24, 2012

Friday, June 22, 2012

5th Grade Performs Lean on Me at our Step Up Ceremony

Our 5th grade class created a special performance at the "La-alot" (Step Up) Ceremony on the last day of school this year.  Check out the video here....

Year ends with a Week of Celebration and Culmination

The 2011-2012 academic year flew by....didn't it?  It felt to our staff as if we were just celebrating Sukkot, and, lo and behold, the last week of school and all of our special culminating programs were here.

The week began with an inspirational Graduation 2012 as we bid farewell to our 8th grade students at a sensational ceremony and celebration at Temple Aliyah in Woodland Hills.  More than 300 people attended the graduation and reception, and everybody agreed that the students did a incredible job in demonstrating their maturity and "readiness" for High School.  Class of 2012

 Happy Grad Girls 2012

This past Friday, our 5th Grade culminated their elementary School experience with a dynamic performance, followed by brunch and the 5th grade "Culmination Program".  The Beit Knesset was electric as the students shared their memories of elementary school and looked forward to the transition to Middle School.culmination 3

5th Grade Culmination 1 

Also, on Friday, our Pre-Kindergarten and Gesher students held their own culmination, and family and friends watched proudly as our 4 and 5 year old students sang, danced and spoke their way into our hearts.  We wish each of these students great success in Elementary school!

Finally, we held the biggest and best Elementary School "La'alot Ceremony" in the auditorium.  Hundreds of parents and friends joined in as each class performed with pride, gusto, and entusiasm.  In addition, each class connected their "annual tzedakkah projects" to a Jewish value.  Nobody will ever forget the 5th grade (band and all) perform "Lean on Me" to a standing ovation by the crowd.  The festivities concluded as students and families sang "Shehechiyanu" together.  We were truly blessed to join together in this moment.

 1st grade laalot2nd grade laalot

5th grade performs laalotNadia 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Kadima Receives CAIS Accreditation and Is Lauded for Excellence in General and Judaic Studies

It is with a deep sense of pride that I report to you today that Kadima has received our first accreditation from the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS), along with full membership in the
association.  A wonderful accomplishment!   

The accreditation was granted following an 18 months self-study, and a five person visitation in December.  The Visiting committee reviewed our mission and vision, finances, governance, General, Judaic Studies and Hebrew curriculum, and spent a great deal of time in our classrooms.  Click here for highlights from the visiting committee report. The report outlines many of our major strengths and helps us to focus to continually improve our Kadima in the years ahead. We were thrilled to see many accolades for our General and Judaic Studies programs incorporated in the report.

In addition to CAIS, Kadima is also fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the Builders of Jewish Education (BJE) of Greater Los Angeles.

A tremendous "THANK YOU" to all of the staff members who participated in the creation of our 120 page report, our Board of Trustees, parents who attended sessions with the visitation team, and a special "kol hakavod" to Principal Kristi Combs, who served in the role of accreditation team leader.

Receiving accreditation from CAIS, WASC and the BJE is the highest accreditation standard that any private school can receive in the state of California.  We can all be proud of this amazing moment as we prove the strength of our curriculum and community once again.

With pride and joy,

Bill Cohen
Head of School