Friday, December 9, 2011

Kodiaks on Ice Event: I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!

The Kadima Parent-Teacher Organizaiton created a new and unbelievably awesome community event called "Kodiaks on Ice" last night.  More than 300 people turned out for an evening of skating, bonding, eating, shmoozing and EVEN the Kodiak Bear skated to everyone's delight.  The ruach and feeling at the event were awesome!  Fabulous job by the PTO....

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Intergenerational Day 2011

More than 300 guests enjoyed an amazing experience at Kadima's Intergenerational Day 2011.  Students performed admirably and guests joined students in class for projects and Intergenerational learning and experiences.  
An awesome day at Kadima!

Monday, November 21, 2011

First Grade/Kitah Alef 50s Day 2011

Each year, our first grade class celebrates the 50th day of the school year with a big "50s Day" event in class. All of the students wear 50s attire, and the day is filled with fun and 50s activities including a sock hop, hula-hooping, and yummy 50s treats. 
 This year, our Kitah alef 50s day was held this past Thursday, November 17.  Check out the pics below.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Summer of a Lifetime Awaits: Camp Ramah Visits Kadima today...

One of the great things about our school is that we create connections for our students to so many incredible opportunities.  Today, we were visited by Rabbi Joe Menashe, the Executive Director of Camp Ramah in California.  Click Here To Go To Camp Ramah's Website.   Rabbi Joe made two presentations to our students about the importance and meaning of Jewish camping, one for our 3-5 graders and one for the middle school (Grades 6-8).  There was a sensational video, and the students asked some thoughtful quetions and expresses their feelings about overnight camp.  We hope that many of our students will choose to go to Jewish overnight camp this summer, with Camp Ramah being one of the best options for Kadima students.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Remembering Veteran's Day in the Elementary School

Our 1st - 5th grade students had a very special tefillah (prayer) session today, including a learning session and ceremony about the importance of Veteran's Day led by our principal, Kristi Combs, and music specialist, Noa Tucker.

There was an engaging discussion about the meaning of Veterans Day, we discussed what it means to be a veteran...that you served in a branch of the miltary.  We discussed what the branches of the US miltary are. This was all the warm up for the question of... Why would someone, leave their family, sleep in a tent or barracks, risk their protect our coutnry? To protect us?  The students had some very thoughtful answers: 
  • To protect and serve
  • Because they love their country
  • Because they want to keep us free
  • Because they are brave
  • Because they put others first
  • To protect us
We then sang the Star Spangled Banner.

Here are some photos of the special assembly:


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Remembering Rabin: A Song of Peace

Friday, November 4 was the 16th anniversary of the passing of Isareli Prime Minister, Yitzchak Rabin z'l'.  As we do each year, we mark this anniversary with a special middle school assembly, created and run by our 8th grade class.  The focus of the assembly is the the value of "peace", what it means, why it is important, and why Yitzchak Rabin had a very special role in Israel's history.  It is not a political debate, we save those for the classroom.  Our 8th graders read original poetry, quoted Rabin in meaningful ways, sang the song "Shir L'shalom -- A song of Peace", with Rabbi Bluman, lead the community in "Eil Maleh Rachamim" and together, we  concluded with a beautiful "HaTikvah".   Please find some nice pictures below:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

We've Got Spirit, Yes We Do....

On Tuesday, November 1, we held our first SPIRIT DAY of the year at Kadima.  It was an incredible experience as NINETY percent of our elementary school wore spirit wear for the day.  At 3:00pm, we held a school-wide (K-8) Pep rally.  At the pep rally, our students were introduced to our new Middle School student council, cheered wildly for our Kadima Kodiak mascot, watched new cheers from our 2nd-5th grade classes, and met our three Fall Basketball and Football teams.  At the end of the pep rally, our 6th grade and 5th grade received the inaugural "Spirit Ball Award" for the day.  Here are some great pics from the pep rally!  Go Kodiaks!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Emotional Morning Today: Partnership Students and Faculty Depart for Israel

It was a remarkably emotional morning for our 8th grade, as our partners fro ORT Yad Singlovsky departed for LAX.  I went onto the bus to say a final goodbye to students and teachers, and every single student was crying.....every one.  Each having shared an incredible week of connection with our students.  Six of the nine NEVER having left Israel before.   And now, their lives and relationships have been impacted forever by this experience.

Here are some photos of the delegation:

The School Twinning program, sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Greater LA, is an AMAZING opportunity for our students, and those of our partner school, ORT Yad Singlovsky in Tel Aviv.

This year marks the third year that we have partnered with ORT Yad Singlovsky.  Ten days ago, nine students arrived for the delegation here in Los Angeles.  It is hard to believe how quickly the time has flown by!