Friday, October 26, 2012

Mitzvah Day 2012 -- Make A Difference with the Kadima Community

Mitzvah Day 2012
Kadima Joins the ILC and a coalition of projects sponsored by the Shalom Institute, Larger than Life, the Jewish Federation and more....

The city-wide "Mitzvah Day 2012" will be held on Sunday, November 4, 2012.  This year, Kadima has joined a coalition of wonderful organizations and projects to put our "mitzvah power" to work.  Projects include feeding the homeless, helping children with cancer, saving the environment (beach clean up) Garden planting at Camp Shalom and MANY more opportunities.  There are projects for families and teens. Please register at  

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The "Dr. Wendy Mogel Event" -- An Amazing Collaboration between Kadima Day School, Congregation Or Ami and the Shalom Institute

On Wednesday evening, October 24, more than 300 people enjoyed a spectacular evening with Dr. Wendy Mogel.  Offering parents access to the very best thinkers and presenters about successful parenting is another great reason to join the Kadima community.

 Here is the flyer about the event:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

We've Got Spirit...Yes We do....Go Kodiaks!

On Monday, October 22, we held our first pep rally of the year in support of our Fall Sports teams, Girls Basketball, Boys JV Flag Football and Boys 6th/5th Grade Flag Football.
During the pep rally, our teams were brought out to the cheers of the whole school and our elementary classes each performed an amazing Kodiak Cheer.
The winners of the "Spirit Ball" for showing the most ruach during the pep rally were:
Elementary School:  4th Grade / Kitah Dalet
Middle School:  7th Grade
Check out these pictures of the Pep Rally.....and GO KODIAKS!!

Boys 6th Grade Football Shows their Spirit

Everybody Cheered and Showed their Kodiak Spirit with Songs and Signs

6th Grade Cheers!

7th Grade Won the Middle School Spirit Award

4th Grade Loves the Kodiaks!

Look who showed up!

We all love the Kodiak!

First Grade Performs a Cheer!

Girls Basketball Team now 3-0!

Third Grade has Ruach!

Boys 6th/5th Grade Football is Undefeated!

Fourth Grade performed an amazing cheer!

Principal Kristi Combs gets the crowd going!

7th Grade Wins the MIddle School Ruach Award!

Boys JV Football Ready for a Great Season!

Friday, October 5, 2012

What a night and what a day! Sukkot B'Yachad Followed By Simhat Torah in School

One of the many wonderful features of Kadima is that our Judaic Studies team creates celebrations that authentically "feel" the holiday or special day, whether they be joyful celebrations or contemplative days or memorials.  Over the last two days, the Kadima community has "stepped up" with two biggies for the year, our communities "Sukkot B'Yachad" event for our families and Simchat Torah in school.  And, both celebrations were truly amazing.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sukkot B'Yachad Tonight!

We've got a very special Sukkot event planned for our community this evening.  Don't miss out on the special blessings, the activities and celebrations, and of course, the fabulous Sukkot dinner!!!!

Sukkot Sameach!