Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Using IPADS for 21st Century Math Education

After learning about quadrilaterals, polygons, circles and triangles, our Fourth Graders did a "scavenger hunt" around our school for geometric shapes using the school's IPADs. Students worked in cooperative learning groups using the application "PIC COLLAGE" to take pictures, sort, name etc. to create a collage. The students noted that "that the didn't realize how many different shapes are all around us!  Check out these creations:

Monday, February 13, 2012

Modern LIving, Maintaining Balance: Discovering Ageless Answers in Timeless Jewish Texts

At Kadima, we believe that EVERYONE should be given the opportunity to experience meaningful and tremendous learning opportunities.  With this thought in mind, and in partnership with the Melton Adult Mini-School, we'll be offering four weeks of learning on the topic of "Modern Living, Maintaining Balance, Discovering Ageless Answer in Timeless Jewish Texts" on four consecutive Friday mornings in March from 8:15am - 9:15am.  Check out the flyer below.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Accreditation Report Arrives -- Highlights Excellent Academic Program

This year, and over the last 18 months, Kadima has undergone an accreditation self-study through the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS), the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the Builders of Jewish Education (BJE).

It was an amazing process as our community took a deep look into each aspect of the Kadima program and experience.

In December, five members of the Accreditation Visitation Team spent four days on our campus, examining our school and developing a report and findings.

Here is what their final report had to say about our academic program:

The Visiting Committee Commends:

1. The Faculty, Staff and Administration for setting high academic standards.

2. The faculty, administration, and staff for the implementation of benchmarks for student performance. 

3. The faculty, administration and staff for creating the Student Achievement Team structure and seeking outside consultancy in the area of Learning Differences.

4. The administration, faculty, and Staff of the school for active bulletin boards both in the class and in the hallways. 

5. The faculty, staff and administration, and Student Body for including Charity (tzedakkah) and Social Action (tikkun olam) as value lessons. 

6. The School’s commitment to leveling instruction in math, language arts, history, and any subject areas where students are better served by this practice.

7. The Physical Education, Music, Art, and enrichment programs that inspire students.

Commendations Specific to Hebrew and Judaic Studies

The Visiting Committee Commends:

8. The faculty and administration for its commitment to teach Judaic Studies and Hebrew with Hebrew as the primary language of instruction.

9. The faculty, administration and staff for creating levels of Hebrew instruction based on student’s skills and through these achieving impressive performance results on all levels in the areas of Hebrew reading, writing and oral fluency.

10. The Rabbinic leadership of the school for their commitment to the development of critical thinking.

Friday, February 10, 2012

New Day Camp for 1st - 6th Graders this Summer at Kadima

We are thrilled to partner with Camp JCA Shalom to host their summer camp at the Evenhaim Family Campus of Kadima Day School.  For all the details, go to www.campjcashalom.com/daycamp 

Kodiaks Varsity Bball PIcs.....

Mazal tov to our Boys Varsity Basketball team on a wonderful effort, fabulous sportsmanship,
 and home-court victory vs.  AGBU yesterday!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Winter Pep Rally: Kodiaks Show Great Energy, Spirit and Pride

With more than 50 students participating in our Winter sports teams, our K-8 go together and supported our teams at the Winter Pep Rally.......it was an amazing show of school spirit!